Monday 29 September 2014

Costume Design Lesson 2



We are designing a costume for a character in children's theatre. This means it needs to be big, colourful, literal and recognizable. This is so the children can understand the story and who the different characters are easily. It also keeps them interested as a play with minimal or dark costumes would be quite boring for them.

For instance, here is a picture from Seussical The Musical which is for children. As you can see all the costumes are bright and busy. You can tell who is supposed to be a Giraffe, Monkey or Elephant and you can tell who is Cat in T. Hat,


 Our character is a Lazy Wizard. His costume needs to reflect this so it should look old, tatty, dirty and not very well looked after. Because he is a wizard the hat should be big and pointy. It will be a faded colour now with different coloured patches on it but it used to be purple with silver stars and moons on it.

This is what his hat used to look like.

Now it looks more like this, crinkled and torn. However our hat will have more patches on it to make it more colourful for children's theatre.


We will be using John as our actor. His head measurements are:


 As he is a lazy wizard he will not be moving too much. However we need to make sure that the hat fits properly so that it will stay on our actor's head at all times.


We want to use a range of different materials as patches all around the hat to represent how old this hat is. The main body of the hat will be grey/faded purple but we will use lots different coloured patches such as red, green, yellow etc. We could also use net material to create a dusty cob web effect.



 The play is set in the medieval times so our hat will look like a very stereotypical wizard's hat.




Fizzban Belgarath used to be the best Wizard in Elkin and was loved by all the villagers. He had an amazing life and enjoyed love and attention from everyone. This was until one day when he tried a big spell which went wrong and put a curse on the village!
Now 200 years old, he is an outcast and hated by many. He has given up magic and become very lazy. He hates his life until one day, a young girl interested in Wizards named Morgan Glinda finds him and convinces him to try magic again. Together they try the spell again and restore the village back to all it's glory! The villagers celebrate and reward him with a brand new hat!

Thursday 25 September 2014

3 jobs in the industry I could apply for and my applications

Disneyland Paris

To apply for this role I would have to go to their website ( to choose which role interests me most and create an online profile. I also have to give them my CV. My application is then stored in their database and could possibly be matched with a slightly different job role than what I originally asked for so I could end up being offered something slightly different than what I originally had planned rather than the role I really wanted. (, Theatrical/Shows/Stage Production, available from, accessed on 25/9/14)

I am most interested in being a cast member, which would require me to dress up as a disney princess and walk around the park, as well as taking part in the carnival. Obviously the princess' need to look recognizable so there are certain apperance requirements. Here is a poster for some auditions I found which tells you height restrictions on each princess:

A Tinkerbell from Disneyland Hong Kong
As I am white, this rules out the possibility of playing Mulan, Pocahontis, Jasmine and Princess Tiana. I am also quite short which means I would not be able to play Cinderella, Mary Poppins or Ariel either. This makes me quite sad as Ariel is my all time favourite princess! I could apply for Snow White, Anna or Elsa although I think I have the most chance at applying for Tinkerbell due to my height, build and hair colour. 

Here is my application for Disney Land: 

Dear Employer,

My name is Bethany Bayes and I am writing to apply for the role of cast member at your resort. I am white, blonde female but as I am only 5"2 I understand my options are limited. However I believe I would make the perfect Tinkerbell for you! 

Although I am small I don't let it affect my bubbly confidence or energy and I feel this is the same attitude that Tinkerbell has to life! 

I have been performing since the age of three and have been trained in many different areas of dance such as ballet, tap, contemporary and hip hop, as well as having experience in singing and acting so I am very versatile. I have performed the lead role in productions such as Hairspray, The Wizard of Oz and The Hunchback of Notredame just to name a few with local theatre groups. I also studied drama at GCSE level and am currently in my last year of studying for a Musical Theatre diploma in which i achieved Distinction* last year. I feel this performing experience and training has given me the confidence to be friendly with anyone and not to be afraid of being in character at all times.

I understand that a huge part of this role is to interact with children. I have much experience of working with children, I often help teach the younger students in my dance school and have even run a disney princess workshop with 4-12 year olds in which I taught them songs and dances from Frozen, The Little Mermaid and Rapunzel!

As well as all of my experience I am a very trustworthy and committed person. I believe you should give 110% to whatever you do and use every opportunity to learn as much as possible to be the best you can be. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

kind regards, 

Bethany Bayes.
Sales Person.

The second job I could apply for is a sales person. Although this may not seem like something to do with the arts, pitching a sale actually requires the stage presence and confidence given to you from experience in performing. It is also very good pay so would give me that stability I need in between acting jobs. Here is the application I would write:

Dear employer,

I am writing in response to your advert on, looking for a sales person to sell your toys! I am here to tell you why I am perfect for the job!

My name is Bethany Bayes and I am currently finishing my last year of college in which i am studying Musical Theatre. You may ask why then am I interested in selling toys? I believe that sales requires a certain degree of stage presence and confidence only gained with experience and training in the theatre. I am not afraid to talk to people and can make anything I say interesting and enticing, persuading the customer to buy your product. Working within the theatre has also taught me self discipline, focus and dedication to a task. 

I am an extremely ambitious person who always strives to be the best I can be and beyond. My energetic and outgoing personality gives me the friendly and go getting personality I believe is vital for this role.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Bethany Bayes.

The last job role I have looked at is a journalist. Although this doesn't seem to do with the arts, this particular role is for a website called and wants you to write about things to do in London. This involves reviewing shows. It also is a working from home job which would allow me to be flexible with my time and still be able to go to auditions. (, Part Time Journalist Internship, available from, accessed on 25/09/14)

Here is the application I would write:

Dear employer, I am writing in regards to an advert you had placed on for a journalist to write for your website. 

My name is Bethany Bayes and I am currently finishing my last year of college in which I am studying Musical Theatre and English Language and Literature. I believe your internship would be great experience for me and would also help me get my own blog noticed as I am an aspiring writer and actor. It would also be a great way for me to get to know London better as I research all the things to do and see! 

I have a love for writing and theatre so I am particularly interested in reviewing the different shows on in London, although I will bring enthusiasm and passion into all the subjects I write about. I am a dedicated and focused person so I would be able to bring you the best possible articles always hitting the deadlines! 

I hope to hear from you soon,

Bethany Bayes

Photo Referencing:

1), Available from:, accessed on (25/09/14)

2), Hong Kong Disneyland - Celebration in the Air - Photo Report, Available from:, (accessed on 25/09/14)

3), April 23rd 2013, "Keep The Magic Alive" An Interview With The Finest Toy Shop In The World, Available from: (accessed on 25/09/14)

4), Mums About Town,  Available from, (accessed on 25/09/14)

Performers CV

                                                        Name: Bethany Bayes
                                               Playing Age: 13-23
                                               Build: Slim

                                               Height: 5"2
                                               Hair colour: Blonde     
                                               Eye Colour: Blue

                                               Ethnicity: Caucasian


Trained in acting, dance and singing

Diploma in Musical Theatre


Ballet intermediate, Tap Dancing intermediate,  Jazz Dancing intermediate, Advanced in Roller Skating , Ice Skating, Abseiling, Archery, Can work with children, Can work with animals including reptiles, Swimming, Cycling,  Stage Combat, Horse Riding.


RP, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Somerset, Standard American, New York, Southern American.


Tracey Turnblad
Jubilee Theatre
Janice Tritton
The Wizard of Oz
Jubilee Theatre
Janice Tritton
Mrs Lyons
Blood Brothers
Alan Strong Theatre
Guy Williams
The Wardrobe
The Capitol
Adrian O’Riley
Dolly Parton
9 To 5
Jubilee Theatre
Janice Tritton
Mrs Mayor
Sealight Theatre
Rachel Maddix
Bird Girl
Sealight Theatre
Rachel Maddix
Bad Girls
Sealight Theatre
Rachel Maddix
Andrew Sisters Tribute Act
Sealight Theatre Variety Show
Sealight Theatre
Rachel Maddix

Sunday 21 September 2014

Costume Design Lesson 1

What is costume?

Costume is an outfit worn when you are performing.

Why do we have costume?

Costume is used to aid the actor to help them separate themselves from their character and help them to give an overall better performance. It also helps the audience understand the story more clearly.

Why is it relevant?

Costume is relevant because it helps create the atmosphere of the play.Bright coloured clothes are appropriate for children's theatre but may not be for a show such as Once or Blood Brothers. It shows what historical era the play is set in and is representational or your character.

What does it communicate about your character?

Costume can represent your character's personality, social class and species. For instance if you wear a costume with loud prints and colours on it could communicate that your character has a big, outgoing personality. If you are portraying an animal you would want a costume to communicate this, such as bunny ears or a tail.

In this lesson we were put into three different groups and then given a piece of costume. We then had a couple of minutes to come up with a short scene including the costume.

I worked with Elsie, Lauren, John and Cherkanah. The first piece of costume we were given was some rubber gloves. 
We all immediately had the same idea of a mum washing up whilst her children played up. Cherkanah used the gloves and took on the role of an overworked mum trying to do too many things at once. Lauren and I were two young children at the table demanding their dinner whilst Elsie and John were the older children who refused to help and argued with their mum. It was a simple idea but I think it worked well. 

We then did the same thing with a Christmas hat. This time Lauren used the costume and acted as someone over enthusiastic about Christmas when she opened the door to some carollers.  The last costume was a 1950s style skirt which I used as we pretended to be at a 1950s dance doing the hand jive. 


This exercise taught me how even the smallest piece of costumes give connotations and can affect a whole play. All of our ideas stemmed from the costumes and this shows how important they are to any performance.

Friday 19 September 2014

Drama School and Unis

University courses I am interested in:

BA (Hons) Acting - University of the Arts London

I like the look of this course as it offers training in a wide range of theatre practices such as singing, ballet and stage combat as well as acting. It focuses on both classical acting for stage as well as acting for screen and microphone and I think it is important to have a wide range of skills.

Creative Writing and Drama - Kingston University

This course appeals to me a lot as I have ambitions to be an actor and a writer.



Performance and Theatre Arts - Richmond University 

I am really interested in this course as it gives you many different opportunities. Not only does it train you in performing but also you get the chance to write your own play and perform it in a London Theatre. They also offer the opportunity to study abroad in America or Europe and this really appeals to me as it will give me a wider experience of the world and would be a really exciting chance to have!

Drama Schools I am interested in:

BA (Hons) Acting for Film and Television - ArtsEd London

I am really interested in this course as I am more drawn to acting for film/TV than for stage and this prepares you for that as well as allowing you to have experience in all roles of film making such as filming and sound. They also make a show reel for you to send to agents which would really help in starting my career.

BA Acting - Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

I am interested in this course as the school has a very good reputation so I think that I would receive quality training here and it would look great on my CV to say I trained here. It also has an impressive Alumni such as Andrew Garfield, Martin Freeman and Catherine Tate.

BA (Hons) American Theatre Arts - Rose Bruford

This course interests me as you get to spend a year studying in America and I am very keen on American plays and TV.


Preparing For Auditions