Friday 17 October 2014

Faustus Lesson 1

Today we were shown how our performance of Dr Faustus is going to be staged.

Each square represents a stage block and each group will be standing on one. When we perform our scenes we will go down into the space below.

We then had to think of some modern day scenarios which would fit within the story of faustus. We needed one character that was arrogant and needed something and another character who could give them something. At first I thought of a super Kardashian style celebrity who feels they can do anything due to their fame and their agent who is getting them more and more  money. The hell is ending up lonely not knowing who you can really trust.


I also had an idea about a sucsessful business man who was offered more money by a new company. We then had to get into pairs and discuss our ideas. I worked with Catrina who had a similar idea to me. This was our final idea:
A high flying but arrogant Oxford graduate who comes from a priviledged family, has a beautiful girlfriend and seems to have the perfect life. He has just started at a big company. The boss sees potential in him and convinces him to take a promotion which will allow him to travel around the world and become super rich. The job involves him allianting all of his friends and family and becoming corrupt. 24 years later he looks at his life and although he has lots of money he realises that he is lonely and has no one to share his sucsess with.


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