Friday 15 May 2015

Dance For Camera Choreographic Devices & Themes

The song I have chosen to choreograph my dance to is called "shatter me". It is about someone who feels trapped and wants to excape. In the music video there is a girl stuck in a snow globe who is trying to break free into the outside world, but this concept could apply to anything such as wanting to get away from a dead end job or wanting to move into a new town. I came up with a broader concept, I am going to show a young girl who is bored in reality and wants to break free into her dream land which is full of colour. So for some of my shots the girl will be dressed in dull brown/black colours in front of a gloomy, concrete background, and sometimes she will be wearing a blue leotard and lots of glitter in a big green field. 

Here is the song I am setting my piece to:
As you can hear, the music has a very balletic tone to it so I have decided that my style is going to have elements of ballet in it. However the song also has a very dubstep/modern sound to it too so I am going to mix the ballet with a more contemporary style. The ballet steps I plan to use are arobesques, attitudes, developets and turns. However I am also going to have lots of rigid hand and leg positions which gives the dance that contemporary edge. 

I am going to be using lots of levels in my choreogrphy. My dancer will start curled up on the ground, then when the music starts she will expand out, but stay on the floor until the music starts to get faster, then she will stand up. 

I am also using extremes of speed in my choreography. There are moments in the music where it is very slow, then suddenly picks up and is very fast so I am going to represent this in my choreography. For example, on the slow part of the music, the dancer will go down on the floor so she is balancing on her shoulders with her legs pointed in the air, then when the music speeds up she jumps up, runs then does a big push, leap and turn. 

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