Tuesday 3 February 2015

Careers & Training Timeline

Job: Script Writer

Training: It is not essential to have a degree for this job but you will learn a lot of skills on the course which will inevitably help you a lot. (the guardian.com, 13/04/11, An insider's guide to becoming a screenwriter,  http://careers.theguardian.com/insiders-guide-to-becoming-screenwriter, accessed on 3/2/15) 

Here is a university course I could do: http://courses.bournemouth.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-degree/scriptwriting-for-film-television/ba-hons/34/course_information-course_overview/
It is a bachelors degree in script writing at Bournemouth University. It would take 3-4 years to complete.

After Graduating: After graduating I could stay at Bournemouth University to do the postgraduate degree. http://courses.bournemouth.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-degree/scriptwriting/none/3400/ or I could go somewhere more prestigious such as Central, who offer an MA in script writing.  http://www.cssd.ac.uk/course/writing-stage-and-broadcast-media-ma-mfa. The course at Bournemouth would take 1 year whereas you can do up to 2 years on the Central course.

After finishing my degree(s) I would have started to build a portfolio. I would then need to start sending off scripts to producers. A good place to start is BBC Writersroom. (theguardian.com, 13/04/11, An insider's guide to becoming a screenwriter, http://careers.theguardian.com/insiders-guide-to-becoming-screenwriter, accessed on 3/2/15) This is because they accept unsolicited scripts.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/writersroom/send-a-script

You would have to send more than one script to lots of different companies until you get noticed. Once you get noticed you could work for a company such as BBC or ITV writing for soaps like Eastenders or Coronation Street or getting your own original dramas produced.

Script writing is not always a stable job so you might have to get a day job and write in the evenings or on your days off, especially when you're starting out. (theguardian.com, 21/08/14, How do I become...a script writer, http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/oct/21/how-do-i-become-scriptwriter, accessed on 3/2/15)

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