Thursday 8 January 2015

CATS Audition Dance Progress

Here is a spider diagram of all the movements I want to include in my audition dance. I have found inspiration for them by watching lots of videos on youtube. I also have been looking after my friend's cat this week and this has provided as good research.

Here are some images of the cat I looked after in different poses. 

I have noticed that she makes lots of fast, jerky movements and doesn't stay in one position very much, however when she walks she is quite slow calm and slinky. I will try and incorporate this into my dance. For example, at the start the music I am dancing to (Macavity) is slow so this is when I could use the slower more controlled movements. When the music builds I will dance faster, switching from different positions quickly. She also is very inquisitive and moves her head around a lot so I will do this too. 

I have decided to start my piece by walking on slowly, pointing my feet with my arms curved down at the sides. I do three slow walks and then a a par de chat. A Par de chat is a little leap from ballet and literally means "step of the cat". As I do this I will bring my arms around with my hands in claw like positions. This represents how cats try to act cool and collected but can easily be scared and jump at a small movement or noise. 

Here is a video of the beginning of my dance. 

I didn't have a lot of space which is why not all of my movements are as elongated as I would like. As you can see my movements are slow at first to match the movements but they get bigger, higher and faster as the music builds. 

I then added this to the end:

This is the climax of the dance. When I face the back and hop out to the side, roll and then kick my leg out as I jump back it is very dramatic and is similar to how a cat can go from calm to crazy in a second. I have decided to make the character in my dance quite skittish as I am hoping for the role of Demeter When I roll on the floor again and kick my legs it represent the playful nature of a cat. Now I just need to work on a solid end position for my dance. 

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