Wednesday 21 January 2015

Script Writing

Scene 1

The year is 1953. Joy and her best friend, Dimp, are on holiday in Ford, they are both 16 years old. It is a Saturday night and they are on their way to the pub to attend the village hop. 

Dimp: I'm a bit nervous!

Joy: Oh come on, Dimp! It'll be fun!

Dimp: What if nobody wants to dance with me?

Joy: Oh, don't be silly! I'll dance with you! We will dance together all night long!

Dimp: Yeah right!

Joy: What do you mean?

Dimp: Boys always want to dance with you and you know it! It will be 10 minutes before a boy catches your eye and off you go! And I won't want to stop you either! You deserve to dance as much as you like with whoever you like after what you told me about that Billy!

Joy: Oh, Dimp, you are silly!

Dimp: I mean it, Joycee! He didn't deserve you!

Joy: Oh I don't worry about him anymore! You need to stop putting yourself down there's absolutely no reason why a boy wouldn't want to dance with you! In fact, there's a navy base around here you know. You might meet a nice sailor!

Dimp: laughs oh! My father would kill me if he knew I was with a sailor boy!

Joy: So would mine!

they both laugh as they walk into the dance hall.


Peter and Jerry are in the navy and stationed at Ford. Peter is 18 with blonde/ginger hair. He is originally from Croydon. Jerry is a year older and comes from Kent. They've got the night off and are in the pub. However due to the brewer's strike the pub has run out of beer. 

Jerry: Shows Peter a picture of his wife.  That's my girl! Beautiful isn't she! Julie her name is. Met her back in Maidstone, when I saw her I knew. I just knew she was the one!

Pete: That girl's blonde?

Jerry: Yeah, and?

Pete: Well that girl I saw you smooching last week had red hair!

Jerry: Oh shut up Crampers! Nothing wrong with a bit of fun now, ey?

Pete: Hmm. (to the bar tender) Pour us another one, mate?

Barman: Sorry chaps we're all out!

Pete & Jerry: What!

Jerry: Great night this is turning out to be!

Barman: Well, of you're desperate there is some bass next door in the bar.

Jerry: Fancy a trip to the village hop then mate?

Pete: Yeah lets go!

They thank the bar man and head on next door. 

Joy and Dimp are dancing together at the village hop. They are having fun but Joy does wish there were some better looking boys around. Just then, Jerry and Peter walk through the door.

Dimp: I'm having a great time, how about you Joycee!

Joy: Yes it's alright. Shall I get us another drink?

Dimp: Ok! she carries on dancing by herself as Joy walks over to the bar.  Jerry and Peter enter the dance hall and all the girls turn around to look at them. They see Dimp dancing on her own and go over to her. 

Jerry: Hey little lady, whats a girl like you doing dancing by herself?

Dimp: Oh I'm not by myself I'm with my friend Joy! She's just gone over to the bar to get us a drink. Yeah she'll probably be back in a minute so yeah I'm not really alone no.  she has suddenly become very shy and giggly

Jerry: Oh. So you probably don't want to dance with us then 

Dimp: Well I...Joy walks over to them holding two drinks. Both boys look up and stare at her

Pete: wow

Joy: Sorry?

Pete: I mean...hi! Fancy a dance?

Joy: Ok! She hands the drinks over to Dimp and walks into the middle of the dance floor with Pete. Jerry and Dimp look at each other. He shrugs and they go over to the middle too. They all do the Gay Gordon. 

Pete: So What's your name?

Joy: It's Joy

Pete: Joy! That's a lovely name!

Joy: Don't lie! I hate it! 

Pete: Well you shouldn't! 

Joy: What about you?

Pete: Hey?

Joy: What's your name?

Pete: Oh! It's Peter. Call me Pete though!

Joy: Okay Pete. So what are you doing here?

Pete: I'm in the navy. Stationed here.

Joy: Oh! So you're a sailor!

Pete: Yes indeed. That's not a problem is it?

Joy: Well maybe not for me!

Pete: So anyway do you live around here then? I've never seen you before.

Joy: Oh no, I'm on holiday! I live in Brockham. 

Pete: Oh I see! 

the couple carrying on dancing for the rest of the night until the dance is over. 

Pete: It's time to go already?

Joy: I guess so! 

Pete: I'll walk you home if you like. 

Joy: What about Dimp?

Pete: I think she's just fine! He points towards Jerry and Dimp who are kissing. They both laugh.

Peter and Joy are walking along the beach. It is 11pm and Joy is already late home. 

Joy: Shivers

Pete: Are you cold? Here take my coat. He takes his coat off and wraps it around Joy then puts his arm around her. 

Joy: Thanks. There is a slight pause and they look at each other I'm late you know.

Pete: What?

Joy: I'm late home. You should be warned that my parents are going to shout at you she giggles

Pete: Oh I'm not worried! I've seen many things! Travelled all over the world! I'm not frightened by some parents worried about their daughter you know.

Joy: Well what about your mum? I'm sure she must get very worried about her little boy travelling around to all these dangerous places!

Pete: No my mum doesn't really worry.

Joy: Oh?

Pete: She died when I was 9. Worked in the bomb factory. Got Pneumonia. He shrugs

Joy: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise

Peter: Well of course not, you just met me. I could be anyone!

Joy: Oh yes you are very threatening. 

Peter then suddenly grabs Joy, runs and spins her round. She screams and laughs and shouts "put me down!" etc. He puts her down so that their faces are close. They look at each other for a second and then kiss. Suddenly a woman's voice shouts from off stage. 

Gladis: Joyce! Joyce! Get here right now young lady! You are in so much trouble! Just you wait until your father sees you! Joyce! Joyce!

Joy: Quick run!

Pete: Wait! Can I see you tomorrow?

Joy: Okay!

Pete: I'll meet you here at 5 o clock! he kisses her on the cheek and then runs off. Goodbye!

Joy: Goodbye!

Gladis: Joyce!!!

Joy: Coming! She runs off stage in the opposite direction to Peter.


It is the next day. Peter is on his way to meet Joy. He has arranged a surprise picnic on the beach and is holding a hamper. He is met at the door by Joy's father. (could be played by the same actor as bar tender) 

George: Yes.

Peter: Hello, sir. I am here to pick up Joy. 

George: I don't think you are. 

Peter: I'm sorry?

George: You are not here to pick up my daughter.

Peter: But we planned to…

George: Well she's not here I'm afraid. Off with some young chap she met this morning on the beach. 

Peter:  suddenly disheartened and sad. Oh I see. Well I'll be off then. Sorry to have bothered you sir. He starts to walk away, solemnly. 

Joy: Dad! Dad! Who is that at the door? She squeezes past her dad and sees Peter. Oh Peter! Peter!

Peter: Turns around Joy!

Joy: Dad what have I told you about winding up my boyfriends? 

George: Laughs Sorry darling, it's just too funny seeing their little faces as they turn away

Peter is suddenly embarrassed

Joy: Well you need to stop it! She kisses him on the cheek. Bye daddy I'll be back by 10 okay?

George: Make sure it is 10 this time young lady!

Peter: Oh I will sir! I will!

Joy runs out the door and catches up with Peter. 

Peter: Boyfriend hey?

Joy: oh shush! 

Peter: holds up the picnic hamper

Joy: What's this?

Peter: Only the finest of picnics for me lady! Cheese sandwiches made by yours truly you know. 

Joy: So I'm your lady now am I?

Peter: Yep! He grabs her hand and they run to the front of the stage. He puts the blanket down and gestures for her to sit on it. 

Baby I'm yours plays as the couple enjoy their picnic and play on the beach. When the song ends they are sitting on the blanket again.

Joy: Peter.

Peter: Yes. 

Joy: I'm…I'm going home tomorrow. 

Peter: Oh. 

Joy: I know. 

Peter: So is this is then? Just a holiday thing. 

Joy: No! No! I don't want it to be just a  holiday thing at all! Actually I was speaking to my mum and she said that..if you wanted…you could come home with us. You know when you have leave obviously not all the time that would be mad. 

Peter: Cups her face with his hands. Joy.

Joy: Yes.

Peter: I'd love to.

Joy: Oh!

Peter: But I can't

Joy: Oh

Peter: At least not yet! I am leaving tomorrow too. Training at sea for two weeks. But after! After I promise I will!

Joy: hugs him I've got to go!

Peter: I'll come see you tomorrow and wave you off if you like

Joy: Okay! 

They kiss again then part ways


It is the next morning and Joy and Dimp are packing their stuff.

Joy: I can't believe it, Dimp! He is just so handsome and kind and perfect and so funny you know! Not like the sort of boys we get back in Brockham no. They are all so childish well he is a grown up you know. He's travelled to all these far away places. Been in lots of danger you know. Oh he's so brave! He's coming to wave us off! Do you think Jerry will come too? You've barely mentioned him since the other night! 

Dimp: Starts to cry

Joy: What on earth is the matter Dimp?

Dimp: He's…..He's…..MARRIED! 


Dimp: still sobbing. We had such a lovely weekend together. He took me to the cinema and we walked along the beach and he even kissed me! I thought that I had found him! My true love! But then last night, he told me. He told me he was already married and this was nothing more than a fling to him! How could he say that Joy? How could he?

Joy: Oh, Dimp. she puts her arm around her. It's ok. You could do much better than him anyway. There's lots of nice boys back home!

Gladis (from off stage): Joyce! That young man is here to see you! 

Peter enters. 

Peter: Hiya girls! Hi Dimp! He sees that she's upset. Oh what's wrong?

Joy: walks over to him. Don't act as if you don't know!

Peter: What?

Joy: Jerry.

Peter: after a few seconds. Ah. 

Joy: So what's your one called then? Don't think I'm stupid, Peter, I can work it out. We should never have trusted you, you're all just the same! Well guess what! I will not be your floozie! Two weeks training? Yeah right you're just going back to see your wife!

Peter: Joy! No! You've got it wrong! I'm not married, I promise!

Dimp: Don't listen to him Joycee! They're all rats!

Peter: I'm not! I'm not! Please believe me, Joy! I would never lie to you. 

Joy: I don't know Peter. 

Peter: Joy! 

Joy: If you turn up in two weeks time, then I'll know won't I. 

Gladis: Girls we've got to go! 

Peter: Joy! 

Joy: Goodbye, Peter. Hopefullly I'll see you again. 

The girls grab their bags and walk away. Dimp glares at him as she walks past. Peter is left alone on stage. Lights down.

It is a few weeks since Joy returned from holiday and Peter still hasn't turned up. She is in her room practising her hair styles. Gladis calls from downstairs. 

Gladis: Joyce! There is a boy here to see you!

Joy: Jumps up and runs to go meet who she thinks is Peter Peter! Peter! I thought you were never coming I thought I had ruined everything!

John enters carrying flowers. (could be played by the same actor as Jerry but without a mustache)

Joy: I'm so sorry…oh.

John: Hi Joycee. Wow you look amazing.

Joy: What do you want John?

John: I've been missing you Joy. Ever since we broke up then you went on that holiday I've missed you so much! I love you! I think we should get back together.

Joy: No.

John: What?

Joy: Sorry but I've met someone else.

John: Oh what? That guy from the navy. Dimp told us all about him! He's married, Joy!

Joy: That's not true actually

John: Oh yeah? Well where is he then?

Joy: Doesn't reply

John: Yeah thats what I thought. Now come here girl. He grabs her around the waist. You look so beautiful you know.

Joy: Get off me! Get off!

John: Don't be like that! Gimme a kiss! He leans in to kiss her but Joy manages to break free. 

Peter enters

Peter: What the hell are you doing to my girl?

Joy: Peter!

John: Ah is this sailor boy? Just go back to your wife mate! He tries to grab her again but Peter grabs him by the shirt and lifts him up. 

Peter: Now you listen to me, boy. You leave Joy alone alright? If I ever see you come round here again I'll knock you straight out, okay?

John: Okay!

Peter pulls him a bit closer, John flinches. Peter lets go and John scrambles off stage. Joy runs over to Peter and they embrace. 

Joy: I thought you were never coming back! I'm so sorry about that day when I left! Dimp was so sad and I got so angry and, oh I'm so glad you're here!

Peter: My training got extended! There was no way of contacting anyone, I'm sorry I would have told you if I could!

Joy: Let me see your papers.

Peter: What?

Joy: You navy papers. Let me see them.

Peter: You still don't believe me?

Joy: I want to, Peter! I desperately want to! But I just need to know for sure or there will be a part of me inside that continually nags at me "what if he's married?"

Peter: ok if it means that much to you. he gets out his navy papers from his back pocket and shows her

Joy: takes the papers and walks a few steps away from him, holding them up and looking at them in silence for a few moments

Peter: Well? he moves closer to her

Joy: pauses for a moment. I knew it!

Peter: What?

Joy: She turns round to face him with a smile I knew you weren't like that! I'm sorry I didn't believe you. She goes up to him embrace him.

Peter: Look, Joy. I know we haven't known each other for very long but I would never do anything to hurt you. I'm not like that.

Joy: Kisses him. They stay kissing for a moment, Peter holds her round her waist and brings her close to him. 

It is one week later. Peter has stayed with Joy for the whole week, met all her friends and had has seen the whole village. It is now a Friday evening and the couple are sitting outside the Royal Oak pub. The pair are very much in love and smitten with each other. 

Joy: Dimp was telling me how funny Billy and Johnny thought you were last night at the bowling! You impressed them all!

Peter: Well, what can I say? Just a natural talent I suppose.

Joy: I can't believe you beat me! I am the reigning champion you know!

Peter: was! Now I am the champion! he picks her up and swings her round. She screams and laughs.

Joy: You get on so well with everyone. My friends, my family. apparently little Dennis wants to be a sailor now! It's like you've been here forever.

Peter: I wish I could stay forever.

Joy: You mean, you can't?

Peter: takes her back to sit down. I've been meaning to tell you this but we've had such a good week I just didn't want to ruin it.

Joy: Why? What's happened?

Peter: Nothing! Nothing to be worried about. But I only had one weeks leave. I have to go back on Monday.

Joy: Oh.

Peter: grabs her hand

Joy: How long for?

Peter: I don't know. A couple of months.

Joy: Months!

Peter: Yes. This is what it's going to be like if we are going to be together. I'll be away for longer than I'll be here. I know it's hard but that's the job I'm in and I love it. I wish I had longer here with you but I don't. I understand if this is all too much for you. I don't expect you to wait around for me.

Joy: No

Peter: I see. Well, I best go then. He gets up to leave

Joy: No. I mean no, I don't think it's too much for me. I want to wait around for you. I'd rather be apart for months on end and get to spend a week with you than have to spend one night with any other boy in this village. I love you.

Peter: I love you too! They kiss I bought you a present. I got it on the way here but I wasn't sure if you would want it until now. he pulls out a gold locket from his pocket and gives it to her

Joy: Oh, Peter! It's beautiful!

Peter: It's so you won't forget me when I'm away. he opens it. There's a picture of us when we were on the beach. and that ones me case you forget what I look like or something.

Joy: I love it!

Peter takes the necklace and puts it on Joy.

Joy: She looks at it and sighs with happiness. We still have two more days you know.

Peter: and three more nights... The couple look at each other and giggle before running off stage holding hands.


It is a month later and Peter is still away at sea. Joy and Dimp are in Joy's bedroom. 

Dimp: Any news from Peter?

Joy: I got a letter a few weeks ago to tell me he is on his way to Australlia! It's hard for him to contact me when he's at sea so long. I miss him so much and he's so far away. He could be anywhere

Dimp: and doing anything!

Joy: No it's not like that, Dimp! He loves me!

Dimp: Oh it's just so romantic! Long distance love! You are so lucky you know, Joy!

Joy: Well I don't feel very lucky right now. 

Dimp: Well you should. He's gorgeous!

Gladis (From off stage): Joyce! Dimp! There's a boy here for you!

Joy: jumps up and gasps

Dimp: Oh yeah it's probably Billy

Joy: Billy?

Dimp: Yes I said he could come round, I hope that's alright.

Joy: Oh yeah it's not like it's my house or anything. Sorry I just thought it was Pete. As soon as I hear a knock on the door I sprint downstairs to open it but it's always someone boring, like the postman. Or Billy.

Dimp: Billy isn't boring!

Joy: Oh I see why you invited him now!

Dimp: okay yes you're right!

Joy: Dimp! How could you not tell me?

Dimp: I know it's just I didn't know what you'd say because it's Billy! And anyway you've been so wrapped up in all this stuff with Peter and you're so happy I didn't want to interrupt.

Joy: Oh Dimp! You can tell me anything I'm not going to judge you.

Billy: Hiya

Girls: Hi Billy!

Joy: Billy we were just thinking about going to get some lunch. Where do you want to go?

Billy: Oh I don't mind.

Joy: Why do all boys say that? It's so annoying! Just choose!

Billy: ummm

Dimp: Well we like the cafe down the road don't we, Joycee! Shall we go there?

Billy: um okay.

Joy roles her eyes and smiles as the three leave to go to the cafe.


It is the same day. Peter is on a ship in Australia and is talking to Jerry. 

Jerry: And where were you last night then, Crampers? I met this absolute beauty, I did. Tall, blonde...

Peter: light heartedly and married like you hey Jer?

Jerry: Ahhh shut up! What you doing all quiet by yourself here then? 

Peter: Thinking what I'm going to say.

Jerry: Why you doing some public speaking?

Peter: Sort of. 

Jerry: What is it then?

Peter: Oh nothing 

Jerry: Ay! It's that bird back in Ford isn't it! The pretty one! 

Peter: The best friend of the girl who's heart you broke?

Jerry: Yeah that's the one! She's made you go all soft, Crampers!

Peter: I never!

Jerry: Where was you last night then?

Peter: I just didn't feel like it

Jerry: There we are see! You can't deny it! You've not been the same since that other week when you went to see her. You've gone all weird, spending time alone to...think. It's not normal you know!

Peter: It's not?

Jerry: No! You're young! You should be out having fun! This girl is bringing you down. I say forget her. 

Peter: But you're married. You're not that much older than me you know. 

Jerry: Yeah I know but it's different. Now come on we got work to do! Don't worry about that Joy she's probably found some other fella by now anyway. 

Joy, Billy and Dimp are walking home from the cafe eating ice creams. They are chatting and laughing. 

Billy: Are you going to the farmers dance on Saturday?

Dimp: Oh yes! I love it there!

Billy: What about you, Joy?

Joy: Hmm, maybe I'm not sure.

Dimp: Oh come on! I don't want to go by myself!

Billy: Yeah, Joycee, lighten up! You'd be missed.

Billy stares at Joy for an awkward moment. 

Dimp: Well I'm just going to grab that magazine for my mum I won't be a minute she exits the stage as if going into the newsagents. Joy and Billy sit down and wait for her. They sit for a moment before Billy musters up the courage to speak to her. 

Billy: So...

Joy: Yeah... she starts to laugh 

Billy: What?

Joy: Still laughing oh, nothing!

Billy: Tell me!

Joy: No!

Billy: Joy!

Joy: I just didn't think you were such a shy one, Billy!

Billy: I'm not! I mean not around most people.

Joy: Whats so special about me then?

Billy: You're beautiful

Joy: Billy...I....

Billy kisses Joy on the lips. Before Joy can pull away, Dimp returns from the shop. She sees the pair kissing, drops the magazine and runs away crying. 

Joy: Dimp! No! It's not what you think! What the hell was that, Billy?

Billy: I...I'm sorry! 

Joy: Just go home! 

Billy walks away glumly as Joy chases Dimp.

Joy: Dimp! Dimp! Please! I'm so sorry! I didn't do anything! He just kissed me I tried to pull away but you saw just before I did! I didn't want to kiss him I promise! Dimp!

Dimp: Oh how terrible it must be for you!

Joy: What do you mean?

Dimp: You just have such a hard life don't you!

Joy: What are you talking about, Dimp?

Dimp: Enlighten me, Joy. What is it like to have to fight off so many boys? For everyone to love you? To be the perfect girl?

Joy: Oh, Dimp! She goes to sit down where Dimp is sitting. I told you, it wasn't like that! I am not interested in Billy at all!

Dimp: I know! That's the worst part! No matter what do, how much make up I put on, however I do my hair, no matter what I wear or what I say I am never good enough! No one ever notices me.

Joy: Jerry did!

Dimp: He only wanted one thing, Joy! He didn't care about me! And then you, you waltz in so effortlessly and everyone's head turn to look at you. It's just so unfair! Why can't just one boy love me for once? 

Joy: But that's not my fault!

Dimp: I've got to go. She gets up and walks away

Joy: Dimp! Don't go! Come back and talk about it!

Dimp: See you later Joy. She exits. Joy sighs and walks away. 

Scene 12

The stage is split in half. The lights are low. On one half of the stage, Dimp is on the street corner telephone. A navy officer is on the other side of the stage on the phone.

Dimp: Hello, I would like to speak to Mr Peter Crampton please.

Navy Officer: Peter is away until tomorrow

Dimp: Well can you take a message?

Navy Officer: Depends who its from?

Dimp: I would rather stay anonymous.

Navy Officer: I'm afraid I can't help you then, Miss. He goes to put the phone down

Dimp: No wait! It is of the up most importance he gets this message! 

Navy Officer: Ma'm I would advise you not to waste our time we have a very important job to do. 

Dimp: Just listen to me! It's about his girlfriend, Joy.  

The lights go down. After a few seconds a soundtrack plays of men talking to each other. It is the sailors gossiping about Peter being cheated on by the girl he couldn't stop talking about. 
Scene 13
Peter is back in England now and is in Regents Street and has just bought Joy an engagement ring. He is still unaware of what happened with Billy and doesn't know everyone has been talking about him. Jerry has heard about what happened. He bumps into Peter in the street. 
Jerry: Alright, Crampers? What are you doing here then?

Peter: I'm looking for something for Joy.

Jerry: surprised Joy? What are you doing that for?

Peter: Excitedly I'm going to ask her to marry me! 

Jerry: What would you go and do that for?

Peter: I have never felt this way before about any girl! Yeah I've had my fair share of flings but this is nothing like that. I think I love her. 

Jerry: You don't know, do you?

Peter: Don't know what?

Jerry: Come and sit down, mate.

Jerry takes Peter to go and sit down on the bench near them. 

Jerry: look, I don't know how to tell you this...

Peter: What? What's happened? Is she alright? 

Jerry: She's fine! More than fine I expect

Peter: What then? What is it?

Jerry: People have been saying that...well I heard that...right basically whilst you've been on your best behavior whilst we've been away that old sweetheart of your's hasn't exactly been doing the same. 

Peter: Gets up What? No! G

Jerry: I'm sorry, Pete.

Peter: No! You're lying! She would never do that to me! 

Jerry: Let's be honest, Pete, you barely know her.

Peter: Shut up! Just shut up! he storms off

Jerry: Where are you going?

Peter: To see Joy! 


Joy is in her room when Pete arrives, angry, upset and confused. Gladys calls her down from her room and Joy is ecstatic to see him, unfortunately the feeling is not mutual.

Gladys: shouting from offstage: JOY! COME DOWN! PETER'S HERE!

Joy runs to greet Peter and embraces him. He shrugs her away but she takes no notice. 

Joy: touching his face and trying to kiss him Oh I've missed you so much! I thought you were never coming back! But here you are! You are here! Oh Peter! Peter? Pete? What's wrong? Talk to me Peter! Peter!

Peter walks away from her

Joy: Why won't you talk to me?

Peter: pauses for a long moment Do you love me, Joy?

Joy: What? Of course I do! I love you so much. 

Peter: Hmm, and what about Billy? Do you love him?

Joy: Billy? What are you talking about?

Peter: walks back over to her Don't play dumb with me! Don't act like I don't know because I do! I know exactly what you've been up to whilst I've been away. You know what? I thought you were different. I thought I could trust you. Yeah, we haven't known each other for very long but I thought we had something. Something real?

Joy: We do Peter! We do! Of course you can trust me! What's got into your head?

Peter: Do you have any idea how humiliated I am? I couldn't shut up about you, Joy. I told every single person on the base who would listen to me everything about our week together, and our weekend together before that. I told them all at least twice, probably three times! I was getting on everyone's nerves but I didn't care because I just couldn't stop thinking about you! Whilst I was away something was different about me. I didn't want to go out every night I just couldn't stand being so far away from you. God I was stupid. 

Joy: No you weren't Pete! I love you! I missed you so much too!

Peter: shouting Yeah? Then why'd you kiss Billy? Or god knows how many others boys in this pathetic village. 

Joy: What? I didn't!

Peter: still shouting Don't lie to me, Joy! 

Joy: I'm not! I didn't kiss him! 

Peter: Yeah yeah

Joy: He kissed me! 

Peter: Wow. He walks away

Joy: Peter! Wait! Please! It's not what you think! 

Peter: Goodbye, Joy. He exits, 

Joy: Peter! she walks away and sits down centre stage, sobbing. Dimp enters sheepishly from the corner.

Dimp: Joy, are you ok?

Joy: Looks up to see Dimp and suddenly tries to compose herself as if not to show her friend she is crying. I think Pete just broke up with me. 

Dimp: Oh no. 

Joy: I know. She starts to cry again, this time unable to contain it. Dimp runs up to her and comforts her. 

Dimp: I'm so sorry! 

Joy: It's okay.

Dimp: This is all my fault! 

Joy: She breaks away from Dimp. What?

Dimp: The other day, when I saw you and Billy. I was angry and jealous and I did something really, really stupid and horrid.

Joy: Stands up Dimp. What did you do? 

Dimp: I'm sorry, Joy!

Joy: Dimp! 

Dimp: I told Peter you were cheating on him!

Joy: shouting YOU WHAT?

Dimp: Well, actually it wasn't Pete, it was some other guy who was there. 

Joy: How could you?

Dimp: I didn't mean for this to happen! I promise! Swear on my life I didn''t think this would happen. I don't know what I wanted to happen I was just annoyed I am so sorry!

Joy: You just couldn't take it, could you? You couldn't take the fact that I had a boyfriend and you didn't. So what if Billy likes me I couldn't care less about him! I'm sorry if you wanted him but that is not my fault he chose me! 

Dimp: Joy I said I'm so...

Joy: I don't care what you said! Or what you thought! Or what you meant! That is not how friends treat each other! 

Dimp: Joy!

Joy: I don't want to hang out with you any more! Don't speak to me again! she runs off the stage in tears. 


Peter is back at sea again this time in China. It is midnight and they are in the middle of the storm. They are trying to land an aircraft carrier on to the ship but it misses, sweeping Peter and Jerry off the ship and into the sea. The men struggle to get back to the boat. This scene could be done by using a prop for the front of the ship with dark blue and red lighting and a smoke machine to create the effect of stormy seas at night. When the aircraft crashes there should be a sound effect of this. There should also be sound effects of the waves crashing, the wind howling, the boat moving furiously and the other men trying to rescue them. 

Jerry: Peter!

Pete: Jerry! 

Jerry: I....I can't....see you!

Pete: Where are you?

Jerry: I...I can't....

Pete: Jerry! Jerry! Hold on! I'm coming to find you! 

There is another loud crash followed by the sound of men screaming. Then everything is silent. 


The lights are still down. The sound of a radio news reporter can be heard. This could be recorded or said by someone off stage

News Reporter: Reports are coming in this afternoon of a British navy ship that has crashed during a huge storm in China. It is thought that they were attempting to land an aircraft carrier onto the ship which missed, taking two crew over board with it. It is believed that both pilots in the aircraft and the two men who fell overboard all died at the scene. They have been named as John Baker, George Wilson, Jerry Smith and Peter Crampton. We will have more updates as they come in. Now i football...the radio broadcast fades out. 

Joy: Dad! Dad!

the lights come up to reveal Joy running into the living room where her father is reading the paper. She is extremely frantic.

Joy: Dad! You have got to drive me to Ford right now! 

George: Excuse me?

Joy: Didn't you hear? On the radio! They said Peter is dead! 

George: What?

Joy: Dad I've got to go right now! 

George: You get in the car, honey, I'll grab my keys. 

The pair rush off stage in different directions. 


Joy and George arrive frantically at the navy base where they are met by an officer guarding the gate
Officer: Woah little lady! Where are you going? This is a restricted area!

Joy: I need to find out about my boyfriend! I need to find out if he's alive! Please you need to help me!

Officer: Okay calm down! Try not to worry I'm sure everything's fine!

Joy: No everything is not fine! I heard it on the radio! They said he was dead! 

Officer: Was he one of the men stationed in China?

Joy: Yes! 

Officer: looking worried Okay wait here I'll go and see what I can find out. What is his name?

Joy: Peter Crampton. 

Officer: Okay! Wait here! 

The officer runs off stage to talk to his boss to find out what they know about Peter. 

George: Puts his arms around Joy I'm sure it'll be fine, love.

Joy: But we don't know that, Dad! Oh god, what if he's dead? The last thing we ever did was argue! He didn't believe me that I loved him! But I do love him I do! 

The officer rushes back 

Officer: I am very sorry, ma'm, but Peter is missing in action, presumed dead. 

Joy falls to the floor sobbing, George holds her. 

Joy and George enter solomly into their living room.  They both sit on the sofa, not saying anything. George takes Joy's hand and squeezes it. She just about manages to smile at him. Suddenly someone walks in. It is Peter. 

Joy jumps up off of the sofa and runs to him. George stands up.

Joy: Peter! Oh my word It's you! It's actually you! I thought you were dead. 

George: smiling  I'll leave you to it he exits. 

Joy and Peter kiss. 

Joy: What happened? 

They sit back down on the sofa

Peter: We were caught in a storm, an aircraft tried to land on the ship but it missed, taking Jerry and I with it!

Joy: How did you get out?

Peter: Luckily I'm a strong swimmer. We were swept far away from the ship but somehow, I managed to get close enough to the rope the crew threw us. I tried to grab Jerry but he was just too far away. I told him "come on! We're not going to leave each other!" I managed to get his hand but he was so cold...he was already gone. 

Joy: No! Oh I'm so sorry.

The couple hold each other for a moment

Peter: I'm sorry about what happened before I went away. I should have believed you.

Joy: That doesn't matter now!

Peter: Yes it does! When I was in the water and I thought I was going to die, all I could think about was you! How you would feel when you found out I was dead. How you would live the rest of your life thinking I didn't love you anymore.

Joy: Oh Peter!

They kiss again

Peter: Come on, we need to go somewhere? He grabs her hand

Joy: excitedly Where?

Peter: Just follow me! 

The pair run off happily holding hands.

The couple enter the park still holding hands. Peter runs ahead and gestures for Joy to sit down with him. She does. It is about 6pm and the sun is setting.

Peter: Okay, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now. 

Joy: confused okay?

Peter: I was planning to do it ages ago but then we had that fight. I've kept in it in my coat pocket ever since. 

Joy: Kept what in your pocket? Peter what are you talking about? 

Peter: Okay…okay… he stands up and grabs both of her hands to stand her up too.  He then gets down on one knee and reaches into his pocket to pull out a diamond ring.  Joyce Newland.

Joy: Don't call me that!

Peter: Sorry…Joy Newland. I love you. I want to spend every moment I can with you. I know I'm away a lot and It's going to be hard, but I think we can make it work! So…will you marry me?

Joy: Yes! 

Peter picks her up and kisses her. 

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