Friday 9 January 2015

Script Writing - Scene of Tension

Peter: Joy, I have been thinking

Joy: Oh god don't strain yourself

Peter: No…listen. I'm being serious. Sit down.

Joy: Pete you're scaring me!

Peter: No it's nothing like that! Well, it is a bit scary I suppose well…just sit down! Sit down!

Joy: Ok, Ok I'm sitting! look!

Peter: Okay. Wow okay. Um. Listen Joy, listen! Now my job isn't easy for us. I hate spending so long away from you and from here, I love this village. Don't get me wrong now I love being in the navy too. It's changed me it honestly has made me the man I am. I see so many things, experience so much I would never have got the chance to do. Sometimes I think maybe it would be easier if I didn't have someone to miss whilst I was out there, no one for me to worry about or wonder if she was worrying about me too.

Joy: You know I worry about you!

Peter: Oh yeah trust me I know you worry! Anyway what I'm trying to say is…You've heard about the impending war in Suez, yes? Well they are going to need us out there to help. I don't know how long for it could be weeks or it could be years…

Joy: Oh. Right I get it. You don't have to say anymore. *Gets up to leave*

Peter: Joyce where are you going?

Joy: You've already said it! It would be easier if you didn't have someone to miss. It's fine, I'll go. Save yourself the speech. 

Peter: No Joy! No Joy! You've got it all wrong. Now get back here! *He grabs her hand and pulls her back to where they were standing. He kneels down and pulls out something from his  jacket pocket*Joyce Eleanor Anne Newland. I love you. I want to be able to go anywhere in the world and know that you are my girl and I am yours. So, I was just wondering…if you…if you would…marry me.

Joy: Oh Peter! Yes! Yes I will marry you! 

Peter: *puts the ring on Joy's finger. Picks her up and spins her around* Woohoo! *he puts her down and they kiss, then laugh.* You're going to be Mrs Joy Crampton.

Joy: *laughs* oh dear maybe I won't marry you after all!

Peter: Hey now! Don't be rude to your husband!

Joy: You mean fiancé. *They look at each other with wide excited eyes and go to kiss again*

Gladis: *calls from off stage* Peter! Joy! Can you come and help me with the dinner please?

Joy: *gasps* What shall we say to my mum? Shall we tell her at dinner? She's going to notice the ring! What do we say?

Peter: Calm down! It's your mum remember! She's going to be delighted and you know it! I just hope your dad feels the same.

Gladis: JOYCE! Get in this kitchen right now!

Joy: Coming mother! *Holding hands they both run into the kitchen to help prepare for dinner and tell Joy's family their news*

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